Asphalt Batching Plant

Atlas asphalt batching plant will provide consistency, quality and reliability that your project needs. This EM series hot mix plant means Eco Mix. EM series is developed for customer who are looking at mini asphalt batching plant. It is easy to set up comes with metal base for fast installation. The design is containerized. Owning and running cost of the machine is lower. Asphalt batch Mix Plant is available in two models:


  • EM 1000 - 60-80 tph
  • EM 1250 - 80-100 tph
  • EM 1500 - 100-120 tph


As the name suggest this design is developed for customers looking for economical solution for making asphalt concrete in batches. All Asphalt Plant components like feeder, drying drum, screening unit, weighing section and mixing unit are carefully designed to perform best. Control panel is designed for optimal synchronization of all these components. If you are in search for an value for money asphalt batching plant then this is the right choice.



Major components of asphalt batching plant are:

The major components of asphalt batching plant. Below some describe major components of Batching asphalt plants. We are supplier of used and new asphalt plants with low price. For sale avalabile high quality of batch mix asphalt plants. We are designed around the core principles of Atlas asphalt plants. All the structures are modular and small in size that makes transportation and relocation easy. The components are also standardized to keep the cost lower. However it is also possible to customize the plant to suit specific needs. The plant offers 2 models in capacities 60-80 tph, 80-100 tph and 100-120 tph. Each of the model is designed to give accurate results and optimum performance.

  • Cold feeder bins: Feeder bins come in different options. The standard is 4 bins. The machine can also be customized to come with more or less number of bins.
  • Primary scalping screen: Primary vibrating screen is single deck. It is important because it will help to remove the oversize material before they enter the drying drum.
  • Charging conveyor: It will transfer the screened aggregates into the drying drum.
  • Drying drum with burner unit: Drying drum coupled with a silent and fuel-efficient burner is all your need. Any asphalt plants success is measured by its capacity to heat and mix. This drying drum does its job well of evenly drying all the aggregates. Burner is designed to consume very less fuel and perform well even when the aggregates are dry.
  • Bag filter unit with pre-separator: Bag filter is the pollution control device. Dust is first treated by pre-separator and then by bag filter.
  • Elevator to take hot aggregates to the tower unit: All the heated aggregates will come out of the drum and enter the base of the elevator. Elevator will take the aggregates to the top of the tower unit into the vibrating screen.
  • Tower unit includes 3 major units: Vibrating screens, hot bins and mixing unit. Tower unit also houses weighing bins for filler and bitumen. Vibrating screen is multi deck screen that will separate the aggregates as per their size. Hot bins will store separated aggregates into separate compartments as per their size. As per weight required each of the bin will open its gate to allow aggregates to enter the mixing unit. Mixing unit sits just below the hot bins. It will accept aggregates, bitumen and filler material for mixing.
  • Bitumen tanks with hot oil system for heating bitumen and jacketing the mixing unit: Bitumen storage tanks come in various capacities as required. There is separate thermic oil heater to heat bitumen and also for jacketing the mixing unit.
  • Filler hopper with screw conveyor: Standard configuration filler hopper comes with screw conveyor for transfer of filler material into the filler weigh hopper.
  • Control panel system for the hot mix plant: Control panel is designed to be easy to use and maintain. It has all the important parameters to run the asphalt plant efficiently. All major reports are extracted. SCADA is inbuilt which makes troubleshooting easy.


Advantages of EM series mini batch mix plants:

The EM (Eco Mix) series is ideally a small - mini batch mix plant. Most Important advantages of asphalt plants is cost. It is for road contractors who want a small machine. Asphalt Batch Plant is not very heavy on the budget. Its modular structure and easy to use control panel will not make you feel that this plant is inferior to any bigger plant in terms of final product. The mixing quality is at par and plant’s performance will sure impress you. The plant is containerized design and it is transported in 8 containers making the transportation job less costly.

  • Mini batch plant ideal for small to medium jobs
  • Ideal for small to medium jobs that require precision and reliability
  • Superb cost to performance ratio
  • Modular structure
  • Fast assembling
  • Less transportation costs
  • Containerized design
  • No foundation required
  • Suitable for rough operating conditions
  • Tower unit on skid mounted plates
  • Low maintenance and operating costs
  • High efficient burner
  • Low noise burner
  • Modular design and customization options are available
  • Bitumen weighing is accurate and bitumen transfer to the mixing unit is by gravity eliminating one pump.
  • Maintenance space around the components is sufficient
  • Bag filter is efficient
  • Screen sizes can be customized as required
  • Control panel is easy to use with intuitive display

Asphalt batching plant of 260 tph capacity

EM series asphalt batch plant

3D video asphalt batch mix plant

Working operation of asphalt plant

180 tph hot asphalt plant

260 tph asphalt batch plant

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