Atlas Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is a leading exporter of a variety of civil and road construction equipment. We design and manufacture bitumen sprayers that come in diverse configurations. Our line of bitumen sprayers includes capacities ranging from 12 tons, 10 tons, 8 tons, 6 tons, and 4 tons. Atlas Technologies regularly supplies and exports mini and small bitumen sprayers in numerous parts of the world.
Atlas Technologies Pvt. Ltd. can provide you with the finest quality bitumen sprayers. You can use it when you are looking to spray bitumen materials on the road. Our bitumen pressure distributors are the best in the industry, as nothing comes close to them when it comes to performance and maintenance. Our machines have a simple design, which makes them very easy to use.
The whole system comes fitted on a robust chassis and is packed with many great features. We implemented valves and components in these machines necessary for ensuring the smooth flowing of the bitumen. The machine can not only heat the bitumen efficiently but also evenly spray it across a specified area.

Features And Advantages Of The Bitumen Sprayer
Bitumen sprayers come equipped with the best features and advantages and are always in high demand. Here at Atlas Technologies Pvt. Ltd., we aim to be the best bitumen pressure distributor company so that our buyers have the best experience while using them. The machine we have made for handling bitumen is sensitive and used for a broad range of projects. Our machinery stands out for its superior features as well as distinct advantages, which make it suitable for numerous road contractors.
The top-notch design of our bitumen sprayers makes them superior to anything else provided by our competition. The design of these machines makes them convenient to use and maintain. The various necessary points are well sorted out so that cleaning these machines becomes a lot easier. The essential points have been carefully organized to simplify the cleaning process for these machines.
Some of the distinct advantages and features of our bitumen sprayers are listed below.
- The machines are well-designed to fit any old and/or suitable truck chassis.
- Our machines ensure seamless operation.
- The capacities we offer are wide-ranging, such as 6 tons, 4 tons, 10 tons, 8 tons, and 12 tons.
- Our machines are well-equipped with a high-power, strong diesel engine.
- The tank is insulated thermally from all sides.
- The burner that we provide with our machines is highly effective. It means that it performs its job quite well.
- The length of the spray bar can be customized easily and set according to individual needs.
- The cleaning mechanism that comes with our machines makes use of air and diesel. It can help in the easy and smooth cleaning of all the pipelines after every operation.
Truck-mounted bitumen Sprayer Components
The main components that come with our Atlas truck-mounted bitumen sprayers are the tank, compressor, engine, spray bar, burner, and pneumatic elements. The components have been meticulously designed and implemented to guarantee optimal efficiency and performance of the machine. Once mounted on a truck, it can evenly and effectively spray bitumen onto road surfaces.
The main benefits you get when you use our bitumen sprayer machines are smooth spraying and fast heating. It is further supported by a cleaning system, which makes the process super versatile and easy. The best thing about the bitumen sprayer machines we offer at Atlas Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is that they can work beautifully in varied conditions.
Various components make these machines robust. They are also well-designed, thus ensuring maximum productivity. Contact us here if you want to learn more about how we can assist you with your bitumen spraying requirement.
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