Counterflow asphalt mix plant is a strategic addition to our line of asphalt plants. It is something that you should invest in when you are looking to streamline the efficiency of your road construction work. The counter flow asphalt mixer works in the same way as the same conventional hot mix plant that is used for making top-range hot mix asphalt.
The procedure associated with counter-flow asphalt mixing plant or double drum asphalt mixing plant is similar to each other. The only difference is that the drying of the aggregates is carried out in the first drum. The mixing and combining of the aggregates are performed in the second drum once the drying of the materials has been carried out. This makes it easier for the construction personnel to get the most out of them.

We manufacture and export counter flow asphalt drum mixers in different versions like stationary and mobile types. We have exported to different countries like: Malaysia, Ivory Coast, Tanzania, etc.
Advantages of Counterflow Asphalt Plants
The dust is sucked from the aggregates by the exhaust system as they get inside the first drum. This dust is treated by a wet as well as a dry dust collector. These aggregates are dust-free and move in the direction of the burner flame. This helps to make sure that the amount of fuel used by the dryer system is less. However, the aggregates can still be sufficiently heated by the process.
One of the benefits of working in this way is that it brings down the wastage to zero and this makes this counterflow asphalt plant much better than the parallel flow asphalt drum plant. The counter flow asphalt plant is also a lot more convenient to use when compared to the other types of plants.

The dryer burner used in the system is set up in the other or opposite direction from the way how the aggregates flow. In this way, the aggregates can be heated optimally. It also helps to move the aggregates in the direction of the burner flame during their movement within the first drum.
While working with the counter flow asphalt plant, you can also weigh the aggregates before getting them inside the mixing drum. You can then synchronize the data using the inlet of lime and bitumen. The data associated with the heated aggregates without the unwanted dust helps to make important decisions when it comes to making the building material. The requisite amount of lime and asphalt can be taken and combined in the second drum for making hot mixed asphalt that can then be used for making the roads.
You can use the baghouse filter for replacing the wet dust collector as this can help you to capture the dry dust like in the same way you would do with asphalt batch plants. As you use the bag house with the single drum plant, you will need to deal with the exhauster that has got some particles of bitumen. This is something that is going to eventually make it necessary for you to replace the filter bags every now and then. This is one of the big advantages of this design.
Different Components of Counterflow Asphalt Plants
The main components that are used in an asphalt plant are the cold feed bins, the vibrating screen, and the charging conveyor with the load cell that can help in weighing aggregates as they are transported to the next drying drum. The drying drum is fitted with a burner to ensure sufficient heating of the aggregates. The mixing drum is used for mixing heated aggregates with lime and bitumen.
Some of the other parts that are associated with the asphalt plant are bitumen tank(s), fuel tank for the dryer burner, mineral filler, dry dust collector, wet dust collector as the pollution control device. A microprocessor-based control panel or a control cabin equipped with PLC can help in controlling the asphalt concrete plant for operating manual and auto mode properly. There are storage silo options available with it.
The difference in design seems that this plant is nothing different form a conventional drum mix plant. But once you have read this you know the real difference lies in the design and mechanism of the counterflow asphalt plant.
Contact us now to know more in details about this equipment.